93% of Organizations Find Cyber ​​Security Task Challenging: Sophos


93% of organizations in Asia Pacific and Japan find it challenging to perform any operational task in cyber security. 

This information is known from the report "The State of Cybersecurity 2023: The Business Impact of Adversaries on Defenders" by the leading cyber security company Sophos. 

In the case of cyber attacks, it becomes very difficult to understand how an attack occurred. 76% of the survey said that identifying the root cause of an attack is a difficult task. 

This also complicates the determination of the correct remedy. Organizations may even be threatened again by the same or different attackers. 

Or they may be at risk of multiple attacks. 71% of survey participants said this is the case when it comes to timely cyber attack remediation.

In addition, 74% feel that it is difficult to understand which warning or concern should be investigated. And in this case, 71% of the organizations of the survey think that the task of investigating it is challenging.

50% of organizations surveyed said cyber attacks have become so advanced that it is now too difficult for their organizations to deal with them. 

63% want IT teams to spend more time on strategic issues instead of firefighting. 55% said IT teams' time spent on cyber threats affects their work on other projects.

 94% said they work with external experts to improve their operations. But most of its activities are involved in countering threats rather than adopting a fully outsourced approach.

John Scheer, Field CTO, Sophos, said, "Today's cyber attacks require a timely and coordinated response. But most organizations are stuck in reactive mode. 

Half of the survey participants think this situation is not only affecting the core business, but also those who stay up all night cyber. 

"The mental effort to attack is also taking its toll. Defensive controls need to be based on actionable intelligence rather than guesswork. This allows IT teams to focus on moving the business forward rather than trying to stop attacks."

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